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Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Different Types of Eye Diseases

Eye disease is very diverse and not all of them can be contagious. If eye diseases, which are caused by viruses or bacteria, which may be transferred, while, if the cause is allergies are not transferred. Handling and preventing a variety of eye diseases are different, depending on the cause. Here are a variety of eye diseases you need to know:
Conjunctivitis (infective)
Is an eye disease that is caused by irritation or inflammation caused by an infection of the membranes of the eye along. Symptoms bloodshot eyes, berarir, pain, itching, blurred vision, and dirt. The disease is highly contagious and can take months. Several factors cause, such as viral or bacterial infection, allergies (dust, pollen, wind, fur or smoke), of contact lenses in the long run, and less to clean.
Babies can experience eye pain, is just another cause for infection when. Through the birth canal In infants, the disease is called gonococcal conjunctivitis and usually reaches a newborn baby in the eye ocular drug or antibiotic ointment to kill bacteria cause.
If you or your family with this condition, perform the treatment in the following points:
• Compress the eyes with warm water
• Use eye drops or ointment seseui prescribing antibiotics.
• Wash your hands before applying the ointment, the worse no irritation.
• Prevent the transmission of disease to others through the separation of the tools used by you and others.
Trachoma (infectious)
Eye infection caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, which causes breed in dirty environments or bersanitasi bad and can be contagious. The disease often starts small children, especially in developing countries. With symptoms: eye redness, discharge, swelling of the eyelids and cornea lymph nodes and looks cloudy.
• Keep tools / items that are used by other patients.
Antibiotic ointment tetracycline and erthromycin are usually given for one month or
• If not addressed promptly lead to scarring of the cornea, making the eyelashes and then
fold in the vision.
• Surgery may be necessary if it. Malalignment of the eyelids or cornea
Keratokonjungtivitas Vernalis (KV)
Disease irritation / inflammation of the cornea (cornea) caused by allergies that cause pain. Symptoms of red eyes, watery, swollen eyelids, itching eyes and the presence of impurities.
KV is a recurring inflammation or seasonally affected and tend to relapse, especially in summer. Sometimes there are people who have damage to the KV Group cornea, causing acute pain.
Dealing with the following options:
• Do not touch rub your eyes because it can cause irritation.
• Compress the eyes with warm water.
• Your doctor will give you eye drops.
Infection of the lining of the eye, so that the eyes of ulcers. Symptoms include redness, pain and even blurred vision. These infections strong enough to require immediate action, because it can cause blindness. The cause is usually because something punctured eye.
• Drug Antibiotics are usually given by optometrists
• Have surgery to remove the pus in the eye.
Orbital Cellulitis (OC)
Eye disease caused by inflammation of the tissue around the eyeball. Symptoms red eye, pain, swollen eyelids, bulging eyes and swelling and fever. In children who are so often occurs because of an eye injury, sinus infection or an infection of the teeth. Your doctor dental x-rays or CT scans to determine the cause of sinus.
If you can not deal with immediately, the disease can be fatal, such as blindness, brain infections or blood clots in the brain. After treatment, you can do:
• If the relatively mild cases, antibiotics can be administered orally.
• In severe cases, antibiotics are administered through the vein and performing surgery to
remove the pus or draining sinus infection.
Inflammation of the eyelid caused by excessive oil production comes from the mucous membrane of the eye. Symptoms such as red eyes, heat, pain, itching, meaning, it is a wound on the eyelid and swollen, and the collapse of the eyelashes. Blefaritis into two types, namely blefaritis divided front (front overwhelming inflammation of the eye lashes are in the system of bacteria stafilokukus). Blefaritis and posterior (inflammation of the eyelid, the eyelids and the eye contact, caused by abnormalities in the sebaceous glands).
• Thorough cleaning around the eyelids to remove excess oil with a special cleaning.
• antibiotic ointment, to kill the bacteria.
Eye diseases by blocking the channel nasolakrimalis (channels that drain tears into the nose) caused. Could remove blockage caused by allergies, infections cause in the area above the water, eye pain, red and swollen, causing causing the pus and fever.
• Providing antibiotics oral or intravenous administration.
• Compress. Warm waters around the tear sac
• to do surgery if it is pus sac.
Corneal Ulcers (CU)
Infection of the outer cornea and is usually caused by fungi, viruses, protozoa, or any kind of bacteria, such as staphylococci, Pseudomonas or caused pneumokukus. Originally smth or could be stuck because of a foreign body. This disease can be carried out the whole corneal surface to the inside and rear of the cornea.
As the disease worsens, the infection can lead to complications in the deeper parts of the cornea, corneal perforation (occurring holes), lead abnormal position of the iris (rainbow) membrane and eye damage. Symptoms of redness, itching, tearing, pain, popping, dirt eyes, sensitivity to light, it is a whitish yellow pus spots on the cornea and vision problems.
• Must perform such inspections refraction test tensile test, measurement of the cornea and the pupil reflex tests.
• UK light levels can be controlled with eye drops are an antibiotic, antiviral or antifungal treatment.
• If the weight can have a surgery for corneal transplantation.
Different types of eye diseases and also different ways of treatment. If your eyes are a serious illness should contact a doctor immediately.

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