You are looking for a natural way to treat lung? Trica juice is a natural cure for lung cancer. Consider next the natural way to treat lung cancer Trica juice.
What is pneumonia?
What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia (English: pneumonia) is a disease of the lungs where the air sacs (alveoli) responsible for igniting the uptake of oxygen from the atmosphere and filled with fluid. Pneumonia can be caused by a number of causes, including infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites (parasites). Pneumonia can also by chemical substances or physical pain or injury to the lungs as a result of other diseases such as lung cancer or excessively drink alcohol caused.
Pneumonia is a common disorder that occurs in all age groups, and is the top cause of death in the elderly and chronically ill people. Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia can be obtained. Individual prognosis depends on the type of pneumonia, the appropriate treatment, complications and health. Type of pneumonia from the infection site can be divided into:
Outpatient infections or pneumonia outside the hospital Cause: Streptococcus pneumoniae (30-60%)
Nosocomial pneumonia or infection of the patient acquired her stay in the hospital. Cause:> 60% as gram negative Pseudomonas and the rest of the gram-positive and negative staphylococci
This division is important because the bacteria from the hospital had more effort and requires antibiotic treatment is more selective than the patient or sent outside the hospital.
One of the cases of pneumonia that have a high mortality rate is currently a case of pneumonia caused by the flu.
Pneumonia is contagious?
'Yes' disease are infectious diseases, tuberculosis or tuberculosis. This disease can be transmitted through the air or another.
How is the disease spread?
The transmission of the disease through contact with saliva or inhaling water droplets from the sneeze or cough of an infected person germs of tuberculosis, children often get transmission from adults around the house or while in public facilities such as public transport, hospitals and the environment around the house . This is, to why people in Indonesia be aware when being diagnosed with tuberculosis, so be careful when interacting with others to not carelessly cough, recklessly wasted no saliva, and is prepared at least a mask or a handkerchief or tissue need to wear recommended.
In the fight against the spread of tuberculosis, especially in children, whose immune systems vulnerable yet, the Indonesian government tuberculosis immunization in children than BCG vaccination are considered one of the priority programs of mandatory vaccinations nasonal set known along with 4 other types of vaccinations required hepatitis B, polio, DPT and measles vaccination schedule. Symptoms of lung disorders may include:
In the fight against the spread of tuberculosis, especially in children, whose immune systems vulnerable yet, the Indonesian government tuberculosis immunization in children than BCG vaccination are considered one of the priority programs of mandatory vaccinations nasonal set known along with 4 other types of vaccinations required hepatitis B, polio, DPT and measles vaccination schedule. Symptoms of lung disorders may include:
a. Cough that is for 3 weeks or more
b. Weight loss
c. Coughing up blood or mucus
d. Weakness or tiredness
e. Fever and chills
f. Night sweats
Medical treatment of lung cancer
Some procedures may facilitate the diagnosis of lung cancer include X-Ray Photo, chest CT scan, fine needle biopsy, bronchoscopy and USG abdomen.
Lung treatment can be done by Medical as:
Lung treatment can be done by Medical as:
A. Surgery to remove part of the lung - sometimes surpasses affected by the discovery of the tumor and remove all the lymph nodes from cancer;
B. Radiotherapy or radiation with a high intensity X-rays to kill cancer cells;
C. Chemotherapy;
D. The ingestion of certain side effects, will orally prolong survival.
The natural way to treat pulmonary non-medicinal herbal juice Trica
The last point to note is, if you are patient pneumonia, lung cancer or other lung diseases. we recommend an oral drug with no side effects free preservatives or other chemicals. Trica juice powder is a beverage made of maca plant that grows in parts of South America to get and reach the average level of health is made high enough. Tricajus combines the benefits of Tribulus and Maca, serves as a powerful adaptogen. Increases the body's ability to adapt to internal and external stressors to deal with.
Improve organ function normally again, increase the Improving hormonal balance, energy throughout the day., Increase and improve endurance, healing, reduce stress, improve sleep patterns, and long-term basis without stimulants
The last point to note is, if you are patient pneumonia, lung cancer or other lung diseases. we recommend an oral drug with no side effects free preservatives or other chemicals. Trica juice powder is a beverage made of maca plant that grows in parts of South America to get and reach the average level of health is made high enough. Tricajus combines the benefits of Tribulus and Maca, serves as a powerful adaptogen. Increases the body's ability to adapt to internal and external stressors to deal with.