Spinach and
Corn Overcome CataractsThe food was good for the eyes is not only rich in vitamin A alone. Orange, guava, rich in vitamin C plays an important role for the eyes to know before cataracts prevent! Always the question of what foods are good for your eyes when the answer is definitely carrots and tomatoes. Perhaps the reason vegetables, which are not good sources of vitamin A for eye health. In fact, to maintain healthy eyes not only includes foods that contain vitamin A, but also contains vitamin C and vitamin E.
Vitamin A in the can of carrots and tomatoes can indeed keep the eyes from drying out or called Xerophthalmia. Also, it can slow the progression of cataracts as they age. In addition to carrots and tomatoes, vitamin A can be obtained from the liver, butter, and other foods that contain carotenoids.
Lutein and zeaxanthin (carotenoids types) is also helps maintain healthy retina. Sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are green vegetables such as spinach. In addition, corn is also a high source of lutein. In addition to vitamin A, C vitain also good for maintaining eye health.
Antioxidants work well to keep the retina and the optic nerve strengthen and prevent cataracts. If you are a peroko, drinkers, or people with diabetes, intake of vitamin C you need a lot more than normal people. Because usually those who have problems diabtes, smokers and drinkers have a lower vitamin C.
Sources of vitamin C not only from the orange, but it can also be obtained from guava, fruit berries, peppers, potatoes, and other tropical fruits.
Selenium, a mineral is essential for eye health. Selenium helps the body absorb vitamin E so well that the body can make its own antioxidants. Zinc is a mineral that helps the body absorb vitamin A really well and reduce the amount of free radicals in the body.
Zinc also protects the eyes of night blindness or night blindness. Vitamin E, selenium and zinc from nuts, grains and fish. To maintain the health of your eyes in good condition in the old age'll ensure that the amount of vitamin A, E vitamin C and vitamin is from this moment.
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