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Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Benefits of Papaya

Fruit, which turned cheap and many are gathered in this area in Indonesia save yourself a lot of health benefits and benefits for our body. Addition to facilitating bowel movement because it contains fiber, papaya also apparently a lot of other benefits that a lot of people do not know, and papaya fruit is not only useful as a medicine or other useful things. A research and opinions from people who have used the roots, stems, and even accommodate all juice I of the topics for discussion at this time. All parts of this plant have properties that are very effective in various diseases. I showed that papaya seeds take away, even in the hands of people who can understand the worms treat digestive disorders and has other. For more information, after a brief overview of the benefits of papaya:
1.      The roots of papaya fruit: very strong treatment of worms, apparently with papaya mixed with garlic roots very well in the treatment of intestinal worms
2.      Papaya paper: It can increase appetite, and fresh papaya and add a pinch of salt and half a cup of warm water, then mixed and filtered appetite to draw water to be drunk, grew.
3.      Papaya seeds: papaya seeds positive treatment of worms, indigestion, colds and diarrhea.
4.      Papaya comes: How cancer because many tribes milk and eggs SAP (milky white latex), which contain the most likely growth and anti-cancer agent, as reported in the Journal of the American Society of Biology, and antitumor glue or cancer.
This is in addition to the fruit, and it seems part of the papaya plant also positive. With regard to health, because it is very effective in the treatment of various diseases since high fiber, not only, papaya also contain a number of vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Indeed, it contains vitamin A than carrots and vitamin C higher than oranges. Also rich in vitamin B complex and vitamin E. Surprisingly, and works on the content of the enzyme papain in papaya speed the process of digestion of protein. The protein content in papaya fruit is not very high, only 4-6 grams per kilogram of fruit weight, but almost completely digested and absorbed by the body. This fruit papaya enzyme papain is in position, the substance to 35 times the size of the digest.

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