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Selasa, 04 September 2012

Environmental Health

There are various definitions of environmental health:
a.       According to WHO (World Health Organization), the environment and health an ecological balance between man and the environment must exist to ensure the good health of manusia.
b.      After HAKLI (Association of Indonesian Environmental Health Specialist) Environment and Health is an environment that provides a dynamic ecological balance between man and the environment, to achieve the quality of life that is healthy and happy, can help to maintain it.
B. SCOPE of Environment and Health
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 17 frames for Environment and Health, as follows:
a.       Provision of drinking water
b.      Wastewater management and pollution control
c.       Disposal of solid waste
d.      Vector Control
e.       Prevention / control of pollution of the soil by human waste6th Hygiene of foodstuffs, including milk hygiene
f.       Air Pollution
g.      Radiation Control
h.      OSH
i.        Limit noise
j.        Housing and Settlement
k.      Aspects Kesling and air transport
l.        Planning and urban areas
m.    Accident prevention
n.      General Leisure and Tourism
o.      The actions with the state sanitary-epidemic / pandemic, natural disasters and displacement associated
p.      Necessary precautions to ensure the environment.
Described in Indonesia, the scope of environmental health in article 22 paragraph (3) of Act No. 23 of 1992, 8 Kesling scope, namely:
1.      Restructuring water and air
2.      Secure waste / garbage
3.      Security wastewater
4.      Secure gas waste
5.      Radiation Safety
6.      Security noise
7.      Safety disease carriers
8.      Restructuring and other security, a case of a state of post-disaster

Pursuant to Article 22 paragraph (2) of Law 23/1992 target of implementation of environmental and health are as follows:
a.       Public places: hotels, terminals, markets, shops and similar establishments
b.      Living area: residential, dorm / similar
c.       Work environment: office, industrial / similar
d.      Public Transport: Transport by land, sea and air transport are used for public
e.       Other environments, for example, are a special character such environments in a state of emergency, disaster population movements on a large scale reactor / places that are special.

D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH problems in Indonesia
Environmental health is a complex problem that needs to address the integration of various related industries. In Indonesia, in environment and health issues, including:1.
Clean water
Clean water is water taken for the daily use that to qualify the quality of health care and, if they are cooked is used. Drinking water is water that meets the quality requirements of health and can be drunk immediately.
Terms and conditions of water quality include the following:

§ Physical Conditions: Not odorless, tasteless and colorless
§ Chemical Terms: Levels of Iron: The maximum 0.3 mg / l, hardness (max 500 mg / l)§ Terms Microbiological: fecal coliforms / total coliforms (max 0 per 100 ml of water)2. Sewage / faeces
Methods of excreta disposal well is the latrine with the following requirements: Land Surface
§ contamination should not happen
§ It can be a contamination in the groundwater, springs or wells may give the. It should not be
§ contaminated surface water feces
§ should not be covered by flies and other animals
§ It should not happen to dealing with fresh faeces, or if it is really necessary, should be kept to a minimum
§ latrines should be free from odors or unsightly conditions
§ method of manufacture and operation is simple and inexpensive.
3. Health Settlement
In general, the house can be healthy if it meets the following criteria:
§ meeting physiological needs, such as: penghawaan lighting, and plenty of room to avoid, annoying noises
§ Meeting psychological needs, namely: privacy sufficient, healthy communication between family members and residents
§ Meets prevention antarpenghuni house with water supply, management of manure and household waste, free of disease vectors and rodents is not residential density excessively, enough morning sun, protected from the contamination of food and beverages, as well as adequate lighting
§ Does the prevention of accidents, which is either outside or inside the home state of the remaining provisions of the demarcation line, the construction of which does not break down easily, non-flammable and does not tend to make the occupants were slipping.4. Refuse collection
Waste management technology is good and right must consider the factors / elements, the following:
Hoarding garbage
§ Factors that affect the generation of waste is the number of inhabitants and kepadatanya, level of activity, the pattern of life / socio-economic level, geographical location, climate, season and technological progress storage bins
§ The collection
§ processing and use of re-Transport
§ Disposal
Knowledge of the elements of waste management, we can determine the relationship and the urgency of each element so that we can solve those problems efficiently.5. Insect and pest animals
Insects as a reservoir (habitat and Suvival) germs are then called as a vector for example, rat fleas for plague / disease to the malaria mosquito Anopheles, Aedes mosquitoes hemorrhagic fever (DHF), the mosquito Culex on Elephant Foot Disease / dengue to filariasis . Reduction / prevention of diseases among the design house / food management with rats proff (meetings rat), dipped nets with pesticides bites by mosquito Anopheles, Movement 3 M (drain buried) to prevent a reservoir of water to the disease prevent, to prevent use of gauze on the vent in the home or pesticides, diseases elephantiasis and sanitation efforts.
Transferred animals tyrants who infectious diseases like canine rabies / rabies can. Cockroaches and flies an intermediate transfer member seeds for the food can therefore arise diarrhea. Mice, the release of leptospirosis from urine that had been infected with the bacteria that cause.
6. Eating and Drinking
There Target hygiene hygiene of food and drink it eat restaurants, restaurants, catering services and street food (prepared by artisans in the sale of food or served as an additional food and ready for sale to the public on the presented catering, restaurant / - Restaurant and hotel).
General hygiene hygiene of foodstuffs and beverages, where food management include: § construction requirements
§ sanitation
§ kitchen, dining room and pantry needs food and prepared
§ food, requirements in food
§ processing storage
§ requirements of food and processed food. Terms used equipment
§ Environmental
§ Pollution
Pollution, such as water pollution, soil and air pollution. Air pollution can be further divided into the air pollution in indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution is a problem of housing / residential and public buildings, buses, trains and other. This problem is likely to be a real health problem, since humans, instead of home tend in the streets. Allegedly caused by the burning of wood, household fuels is one of the risk factors for respiratory infections in children under five. On the issue of door air pollution or pollution outdoors, shows a variety of data analysis that there is a rising trend. Several studies indicate a difference in the risk of contamination in some high-risk groups as rural citizens. Large relative risk was 12.5 times greater. This situation, the type of contaminants that accumulate, it will get worse in the future. Make Burning forests into farmland or timber is obviously only a serious impact, such as acute respiratory infections, eye irritation, disruption of flight schedules, disruption of forest ecology.

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